Autumn Brightness

reflections ~
leaving leaves
to the river
A rainy day
this autumn world—
theater district
Moon Woke Me Up Nine Times. Translated by David Young.
Leaving the masks behind
taking the laundry out
of an empty microwave

One is completely aware while moving, standing, sitting, reclining, awake, speaking, and silent.
MN 10

After ten years of apprenticeship, Tenno achieved the rank of a Zen teacher. One rainy day, he went to visit the famous master Nan-in. When he walked in, the master greeted him with a question, ‘Did you leave your wooden clogs and umbrella on the porch?’ ‘Yes,’ Tenno replied. ‘Tell me,’ the master continued, ‘did you place your umbrella to the left of your shoes, or the right?’ Tenno did not know the answer and realised that he had not yet attained full awareness. So he became Nan-in’s apprentice and studied under him for ten more years.
101 Zen Tales
Steadily, time and again—natural gaps between all tasks and activities offer plentiful opportunities to renew practice intention.


with each passing day
fall deepens
ichimotsu mo mota nu shōji ya aki urara
Birth and death
not holding on to even one thing—
autumn brightness
A White Tea Bowl