Subtitle: A Ladybug Leaps into the Sky
Despite having witnessed this so many times for so many years, I’m still captivated by the magical interplay of sunset and leaves emerging on the walls of this small house. Gently swaying shadows appear in the warm light and then gradually soften and dissolve until it all vanishes completely into the thick, tangible silence that is distinctive of sunset hours.

There is nothing to cling to in this world. Ask yourself, “What can I take with me when I die?”

pure water entering
a bird bath
In the Zen tradition, we practice with the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts—vows guiding us to live in harmony with all life. They are noble acts of the body, speech, and mind with a powerful potential for transformation in the world which is much needed in the midst of all the harm taking place. There are many ways to look at them. For example, they can be understood as natural expressions of a completely awakened mind and heart, or as teachings supporting practitioners on their awakening path. Today, I would like to reflect on the joy that is naturally inherent in them. As I’ve been noticing many ladybugs around my place recently, it reminded me of children commonly lifting their fingers so that a ladybug can climb up to its very tip. Then, they watch it take off and begin its flight, accompanied by a wide smile arising from the sense of freedom and mutuality. Did you use to do that too? Can you remember how it felt? The joy of the Bodhisattva Precepts is like that.
open palms
a ladybug leaps
into the sky

Have you ever noticed that each tree’s foliage has its own unique sound when moved by the wind?
While waiting at the crossroads and watching the car in front of me, I notice something outrageous. Its trunk seems to be filled to the brim with fluffy clouds, much like the ones in the sky. Where are you taking them, cloud thief?! Return them to the sky, please!

At this mountain pass
me and the lark
lounging in the sky
May you experience the joy of supporting life of all beings (spiders included).