Sleeping Butterfly

screeching trumpet
fills the spring air
As long as I don’t aim,
I won’t miss.
With the catalpa bow,
I shoot an arrow
toward the open sky.
Kazuaki Tanahashi
Sky Above, Great Wind
In Sino-Japanese there is a beautiful expression for buddha’s mind: ji-hi-ki-sha-mu-ryo-shin.
Ji means “to love beings just as they are, beyond any desire for them to be any other way.”
Hi means “to be concerned for their suffering.”
Ki is “to rejoice and feel delight about all beings.”
Sha means “wanting to give everything to them.”
Mu-ryo means “all of these things beyond all measure.”
Shin means “heart” or “mind.”
It is the mind of love, concern, joy, and generosity without measure.
Being Upright: Zen Meditation and Bodhisattva Precepts

in its illness
an apple tree
What is the relationship between non-attachment and intimacy?

resting still
a rose-apple tree
and a Buddha
Pressing a button to send a message to a colleague or a friend is a wonderful opportunity to wish them well.
Wakey wakey
let’s be friends
sleeping butterfly
David Young, Moon Woke Me Up Nine Times
Leaving? Arriving?