Falling Maple Leaf
bright autumn sky
a teacher swearing
at a swearing child
…and so we endlessly struggle in delusion. Why not be bold and break free?
Resting in the silence already present in each breath, there’s no need to create silence.
morning drizzle
light reflections
on the rails
The following is a poem from the Therīgāthā, also know as Verses of the Elder Nuns—an anthology of utterances attributed to one of the first ordained Buddhist women who attained enlightenment. The poems often describe and celebrate their awakening experiences. While the tradition holds that the utterances date back to the Buddha’s time, their exact dates are uncertain. In the broader context, the Therīgāthā is considered the first collection of women’s literature in the world. This poem is attributed to Venerable Uttama.
Sailboat on a Marshy Lake
歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858)
The Sketchbooks of Hiroshige
November 1
early mist
a quiet pop of a leaf
becoming free